Our most popular report

Formerly known as the Building Survey, our Level 3 Home Survey is the most in-depth, non-invasive home survey available.

Building surveys are often seen as a non essential part of buying/acquiring a property and many purchasers consider a report as a good indication of the condition of the property.

This is often not the case and buyers are left with substantial repair bills. Whilst not every building survey report discovers significant defects to a building there will always be a number of issues reported on and in many cases this allows the purchaser to renegotiate the purchase price with the saving far exceeding the cost of the survey.

Each building survey is a bespoke and detailed report and includes a detailed summary highlighting the issues that require attention or further investigation.

Why it’s important

Buying a property is probably the largest purchase that most of us will ever make. And with so much money at stake it’s logical to want to be as fully informed as possible so that there are no nasty surprises when you move in – that’s exactly what a JRW property survey is all about. We provide you with a comprehensive description of the condition of your property and detail any identified defects.

Call our team now on 020 8366 5347

Case Studies

JRW have been involved in a number of interesting projects recently and have provided a few samples.

Our case studies include photographs and descriptions of work carried out along with comments from our clients.

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